Technological Developments in Education

Technological Developments in Education

Technological Developments in Education – As we know, in this modern era of globalization, technological developments can be applied in the field of education.

Sophisticated technology is able to make the learning process delivered faster and smoother.

The use of technology is also proven to be able to increase students’ interest in learning because it has a more attractive appearance.

Thus, making the learning process more fun and avoiding boredom.

But unfortunately, in Indonesia itself, most schools are still unable to enjoy the sophistication of technology in the world of education.

Before knowing about technological developments in the field of education, you must first know the history of technological developments in the world of education itself.

Check out the following reviews.

Technological Developments in Education
Technological Developments in Education

History of the Development of Educational Technology

In general, the history of the development of educational technology has gone through at least five different stages, including:

1. Technology with the Use of Assistive Devices

The first stage of educational technology is combined with the use of tools such as maps, graphs, models, symbols, specimens and concrete materials.

Educational technology itself has become a synonym for visual aids.

In relation, this technology is the oldest educational technology, but unfortunately there is no written evidence of the origin of this technology being used.

But it is very possible if this stage has been used since the beginning of humans on earth.

2. Technology with the Electronic Revolution

The second stage of technological development in education is connected with the “electronic revolution” with the introduction and formation of sophisticated hardware complete with supporting software.

The use of various audio-visual aids such as tape-recorders, projectors, radios and televisions has also brought about revolutionary changes in the educational scenario.

Thus, the concept of educational technology adopted in this case is sophisticated instruments and tools for effective presentations as teaching materials.

3. Technology with the Communication Revolution

The third stage of educational technology is related to the development of mass media which in turn creates a “communication revolution” with the aim of being instructional.

Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) which has been used in education since the 1950s also became popular in that era.

4. Technology as Learning Instruction

The next stage is that educational technology is seen as a process of instruction (learning).

Discovery learning in the program can provide a new dimension in educational technology.

The self-learning system that has been created is in accordance with self-instructional materials and teaching machines have started to emerge.

5. Technology by Systems Approach

And the last stage is that educational technology is influenced by the concept of systems engineering / systems approach with a focus on language laboratories, programmed instructions, teaching machines, multimedia technology, and the use of computers in instruction.

In this last stage, educational technology is more of a systematic way of designing, working, and evaluating the total teaching and learning process with specific objectives based on research.

Benefits of Technology in Education

Technology is not only useful in the social field, especially to support the needs of life, but is also useful in the field of education such as:

1. Improve Learning Ability

This can happen because the information contained on the internet tends to be more updated or up-to-date.

Therefore, students can easily access various new information needed, of course with supervision from educators or teachers.

2. Adding Information

The use of technology in education is also a means of support for students and educators so that they can seek wider information.

Where in the past, only relied on sources from books and print media.

The positive impact in this is that the teacher is not the only source of knowledge, so that students in learning activities do not need to be too fixated on the information that has been conveyed by the educator himself.

3. Make Material Delivery More Interesting

The use of technology in education can make students more comfortable and not seem bored or monotonous.

This is because the delivery of information through advanced technology tends to be more varied and modern.

4. Easy Access to Learning

The process of learning activities can also be facilitated by using the latest technology.

For example, an educator is able to provide learning materials / assignments via a special web or email, then students just access the material and take quizzes on the web listed if the educator includes it.

5. Increase Interest in Learning

Information and knowledge that is more complete and also easier to access. This will certainly make students more enthusiastic to learn.

The use of technology in education does have several benefits in the continuity of learning.

But on the other hand, you, especially parents and educators, have to keep an eye on your child while using technology.

Because as previously mentioned, the ease of obtaining this information is not only positive, but also negative information.

6. New Learning Method

The learning system also now does not have to go through face-to-face.

This is thanks to technological advances, where learning activities do not have to bring together students and teachers, but can take advantage of internet services or applications.

And also with a data management system using technological media such as computers, it will make it easier for teachers to manage the data resulting from these learning activities.

Read How has technology changed education?

In addition to some of the positive impacts of using technology in education above, there are also some negative impacts such as:

– Students become lazy to study.
– The occurrence of immoral violations.
– The emergence of deviant behavior (there are students who only spend time playing social media or games).
– Misuse of technology to commit criminal acts (fraud).
– The secrecy of the test for education is increasingly threatened (question leakage).

Read More : The Role of Technology in Education

The role of technology in the field of education, including:

– Replacing the role of humans, namely by doing the automation of a task or process.
– Strengthening the role of humans, especially in presenting information, tasks, and processes.
– Carry out restructuring or various changes to a task or process.
– ICT as a skill and competence.
– Technology is an infrastructure in education and a source of teaching materials.
– As a tool and educational facilities.
– Become a supporter in education management and as a decision support system.
– Control of smartphones.

At this time, technology has also been widely applied in the field of education, such as:

1. Computer Based Learning

For example: Application of the computer-based National Examination system or CBT.

2. Sharing Research Results

Example: Sharing research results through blog accounts such as Lipi and the Ministry of Education and Culture.

3. Consultation with Experts Via the Internet

Example: Asking for information through various social media such as line, telegram, whatsapp, and email.

4. E-Learning

E-learning here can be in the form of discussing material provided by an author and then published and also through online tutoring.

For example, roboguru

5. Online Library

The following is an example of an online library, namely National Library

6. Online Discussion

For example: kaskus

Various advances in information technology in today’s world will greatly affect the design and implementation of educational information systems in the future.

Thus, the readiness of educators or teachers in using these technological advances must be adjusted to the objective conditions within the scope of education.

The use of information technology in the field of education also requires careful considerations so that everything that is designed today will not be left behind after being implemented or implemented.

The selection of a system that follows international standards is also a major consideration when making its design.